This month we are featuring first time Measure U Grant recipient Valentine Camp, one of the two reserves part of the Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserves (VESR). VESR is one of 41 field research stations within the University of California Natural Reserve System. In a region with few institutions of higher learning, VESR provides essential laboratory and support facilities for research and teaching, as well as access to natural environments for local community engagement in science and stewardship

This summer at the VESR, 130 students came together to learn, laugh, and love the reserves together. VESR had programs ranging from painting nature, to water adventure, to fun with chemistry.  Students ranged in age from 6 to 13 years old (1st to 8th grades).  Older students traveled to both Valentine Camp and Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab (SNARL) reserves and many local bodies of water to collect samples and then analyze their findings in the lab at SNARL during “Aquatic Adventures”. Younger students learned about the habitats at Valentine Camp, who lives there, and how to observe as a young scientist in “Hurray for Habitats”. Other students learned what happens when baking soda and vinegar mix, as well as many other chemical reactions all while enjoying the trails at Valentine Camp in “Involving Dissolving”.  SNARL also hosted students who explored all things connected with water including how to build and float sturdy cork boats in “Wild Island Adventure”. Overall, the summer camps were successful and the students had a wonderful experience exploring the reserves.  

Through Measure U Grant funds, VESR was able to provide a more inclusive and equitable program serving all students. Outdoor Science Education Program Coordinator Carole Lester couldn’t be more thrilled to receive Measure U funding, “We are grateful to have been able to offer 17 full scholarships to students who don’t often have the opportunity to participate in our summer programs.  We also were able to hire three bilingual teachers to teach in Spanish and facilitate more families feeling welcome and comfortable at Valentine/SNARL.” 

To learn more about the Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserves visit:

About Mammoth Lakes Recreation

Formed in 2014, Mammoth Lakes Recreation’s mission is to deliver cutting edge sustainable recreation, mobility, and arts & culture opportunities and infrastructure for the benefit of the community and natural environment of Mammoth Lakes. For more information, go to


