On this page, you will find all of the forms, documents and links you will need as part of the Tangle Free Waters program.
Please note there is a Mono County section and an Inyo County section. Depending on the location of your adopted facility, the governing agencies require different documentation. Please use the appropriate section depending on the location of your facility.
When you are done, please proceed to fill out the Mono County Volunteer Sign Up Form. This form is required to volunteer within the Adopt a Trail and Tangle Free Waters programs. ***If the Volunteer Sign Up Form link here does not work, or asks for a Microsoft Log In, please navigate to the Mono County Sustainable Recreation Volunteering page and access the link at the bottom of the page. If you still encounter issues, please contact Marcella (email below).
Each time you volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Activity Form.
At the end of the volunteer season, please fill out the Year-End Survey.
Questions? Email Marcella at mrose@mono.ca.gov
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